孔孟故鄉山東 Shandong – Hometown of Confucius and Mencius


在中國風箏之都濰坊,看到了各式各樣的風箏;在泰安,登上了東嶽泰山,體驗孔子 “登泰山而小天下”之情;在齊魯文化搖籃淄博,看到了距今二千六百多年,為一九九零年的中國十大考古發現之一“臨淄車馬坑”;在省會濟南,親臨七十二名泉之中的趵突泉和黑虎泉;在青島啤酒的發源地青島,身處德國殖民地建築區,想像當年德國統治青島的景象……。


For understanding the Qi and Lu culture (during Spring and Autumn Period), I went to Shandong Province – the hometown of Confucius and Mencius.  It is awesome cultural trip!

At Weifang, I saw a variety of kites designed based upon Chinese myth/legendary.  At Tai’an, I explored the Taishan Mountain where Confucius was amazed at its wander.  At Zibo, I visited one of the ten  biggest archeology discoveries found in 1990 — “The funerary chariots and horses”.  At Jinan, I went to the Black Tiger Spring and Baotu Spring, which are two of the “72 famous springs” since Ming and Qing Dynasties. At Qingdao, I watched the Germany colonial buildings built during Qing Dynasty.

To see is to believe.  After this Shandong trip, I have better understanding of the Qi and Lu States’ culture.