遼寧省博物館藏畫展 A Selection of Paintings from the Liaoning Provincial Museum

200907_01_banner本月二十五日至十一月二十二日香港藝術館舉行的“繁華都市 – 遼寧省博物館 藏畫展”,令十五件遼寧省博物館裡頗具代表性的明朝和清朝繪畫一一呈現香港民眾面前。此批畫作呈現江南地區的都市生活和社會風貌,展品以手卷居多。細緻的場景,令人置身其中,感受中國古代社會的生活風貌。

展品包括「明四家」沈周、唐晏、文徵明與仇英的作品,反映出文人崇尚風雅,追求逸趣的藝術取向。亦包括昔日清朝康熙皇帝和乾隆皇帝的清宮收藏。此批明清畫作, 讓民眾透過筆墨丹青一窺古代的人文風景,並探究帝王的心思意念。

15 Ming and Qing dynasties paintings from the Liaoning Provincial Museum are displayed in the “Hong Kong Museum of Art”  from September 25 till November 22.  These handscrolls transport the viewers to ancient Chinese cities and thoughts of what it must have been like to live there.

Artworks created by “Four Masters of the Ming Dynasty” — Shen Zhou, Tan Yin, Wen Zhengming and Qiu Ying, inspire viewers to partake in the literary gatherings, tea parties, chess games and other elegant pastimes.  Some Qing Dynasty imperial collection from Kangxi and Qianlong emperors are also displayed in this exhibition.



  • A Selection of Paintings from the Liaoning Provincial Museum, HK: Hong Kong Museum of Art